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Students Complaints Procedure
Students Complaints Procedure
This procedure provides guideline to receive, evaluate and make decisions on student's complaints.
The scope and application of this procedure includes students attending the course and client organizations can
log complaint.1
Training course coordinator is responsible for receiving Complains and should take decisions on its resolution.
- Â Tutor should inform all students about their rights to file complaint and should provide them with the appropriate form on their request.
- Â All Complaints are submitted via Complaints Form ETC-QF- 06-12.
- Â Once a complaint is received from a student it is forwarded to course coordinator for processing.
- Â Course coordinator should take immediate action not more than 72 Hour and inform the student about the status of the complaint.
- Â If course coordinator could not solve the complaint he will forwarded to the Executive Manager of Experts Center for processing.
- Â Confidentiality is strictly maintained about the complaint raised by any interested party.
For NEBOSH Course Only
- Â If the student is not satisfied with Experts Center the way of dealing with the complaint, the student has the right to contact NEBOSH at info@nebosh.org.uk.
- If the student is not satisfied with NEBOSH’s dealing with the complaint, the student can contact NEBOSH accredited body SQA.
Abu Bakr Khalel Abd Alla Farah
Executive Manager
Rev. 01, Date: 20 th August 2016ody SQA.
Student Complaint Form
Please ensure you have read the Student Complaints Procedure before completing this form.
The procedure can be requested from the training course coordinator.