يقدم مركز اكسبرتس للتدريب وتنمية الموارد البشرية البرنامج التدريبي المتميز التالي:
Lead Implementer & Certified Quality Consultant for QMS ISO 9001:2015
برنامج قائد فريق وإستشاري جودة معتمد لنظام إدارة الجودة ايزو 9001:2015

- 97%
The most advanced product
Improve Your Life
What started off as a random product in your house is now taking over your life and making it better whether you like it or not.
But what about me?
We’re sure you can actually benefit from pre-ordering this amazing product, not just forget it after you’ve put up the money.
Start taking notice
You’ve might have ignored this product, but no more! This time you’ll want to pre-order and start to see your social life blossom.
Just the beginning!
Meet the 4th generation product which will be way better, slimmer and sharper than previous versions. Pre-order today!

Get more productive
What started off as a random product in your house is now taking over your life and making it better whether you like it or not.1
Select a size
Our product comes in a variety of sizes and colors.2
See if you can have it
It’s not as easy as “shut up and take my money!”3
We’ll ship it
Not sure when, but we’ll ship it in the next year.المدرب : دكتور شرف الدين حمد عقيد
مراجع أول لنظام إدارة الجودة، مراجع خارجي لنظم السلامة والبيئة، ممارس معتمد للكايزن، حاصل على 6 سيقما الحزام الأسود

Mia Wongz, 
Absolutely love this product. It’s exactly what I ever needed or wanted it to be. I’ve preordered this amazing product and I can say that it’s well worth the price!
Simply the best! 
Andrew Sizze, 
Absolutely love this product. It’s exactly what I ever needed or wanted it to be. I’ve preordered this amazing product and I can say that it’s well worth the price!
Simply the best! 
Andrew Sizze, 
Absolutely love this product. It’s exactly what I ever needed or wanted it to be. I’ve preordered this amazing product and I can say that it’s well worth the price!
Simply the best! In the press:

Improve your life!
This might just be the best headline ever!